Member Resources


March 19 2023/24 Winter Season Occupancy Report

Based on an average of 428 Rooms/Vacation Homes.

Destination Development Working Report – 5 Year Framework

The Destination Silver Star Destination Development Plan 2028 is focused on creating a future resort community that’s sustainable, attractive, and supports a competitive advantage.

2023 Silver Star Visitor Highlights

This confidential report focuses on visitor analysis to the Silver Star region provided through tourism grant funding. All information is proprietary and not to be shared outside of the membership.

February 29 2023/24 Winter Season Occupancy Report

Based on an average of 431 Rooms/Vacation Homes

February 06 2023/24 Winter Season Occupancy Report

Based on an average of 428 Rooms/Vacation Homes

January 2023/24 Winter Season Occupancy Report

Based on an average of 419 Rooms/Vacation Homes

December 2023/24 Winter Season Occupancy Report

Based on an average of 418 Rooms/Vacation Homes

November 2023/24 Winter Season Occupancy Report

Based on an average of 410 Rooms/Vacation Homes

Annual Report – 2022 Year in Review

Insights, strategy, and reporting for 2022 in review

Annual Declaration of Use

You do not need to complete this form if your unit is made available for rent at any time of the year, on either a short term or long-term basis to anyone.

The annual assessment fees, and voting categories will be calculated based on this Declaration.

Annual Assessments

  • Commercial 0 to 799 sqft: $2,000
  • Commercial 800 to 1,399 sqft: $4,000
  • Commercial 1,400 to 1,999 sqft: $5,500
  • Commercial 2,000 to 2,499 sqft: $6,500
  • Commercial over 2,500 sqft: $7,000
  • Home-based business: $750
  • Non-resident business owners: $1,500
  • Resort Lot, no part of which is ever offered as rental accommodation for the public: No fees payable
  • Resort land owner, 1 sleeping room: $400
  • Resort land owner, 2 sleeping rooms:  $650
  • Resort land owner, 3 or more sleeping rooms: $800
  • Single Owner Hotel Lodging: $400
  • Contributing Member: $250
  • Mountain Operator: $200,000

Residential lots are billed annually on April 1st.
Commercial lots are billed bi-annually on April 1st and October 1st.

Assessments are payable within 30 days after being levied.

Fees not paid within 30 days of levy will be charged interest at the rate of 2% per month, compounded monthly (26.82% effective annual rate), as per Bylaw Section 20.3.